Sunday, February 21, 2016

Wildflowers of the Rio Grande Valley

I like to take pictures of whatever pretty view, animal or plant I find on my way. I decided to make my very first post about the wildflowers of this region.

A wildflower is a flower that hasn't been cultivated and has grown by itself from the land, without any human intervention. Therefore, the type of plant that grows will depend on the area where is growing and completely adapted to the natural factors of its surroundings.

But why are wildflowers important?

Since wildflowers are a type of native plant they are adapted to withstand the local weather, to live on the soil from that region and to coexist with other living species around them. Plants and animals which have evolved together in the same environment depend of each other to survive, therefore, native plants are the foundation of the life cycle in an ecosystem, and help preserve the biodiversity in it.

So here are a few examples of the wildflowers from the Rio Grande Valley:

Autumn Sage • Salvia Greggii

Awnless Bush Sunflower • Simsia Calva
Crucita / Butterfly Mistflower • Chromolaena Odorata

Turk's Turban • Malvaviscus Arboreus

Sixangle Foldwing • Dicliptera Sexangularis

??? ... Anyone knows?

These are so far the ones I have a good picture of, but I will be posting more as I continue to find them! Also, if anyone knows the name of some that I post without it, please let me know, I truly appreciate it :)

Well, see you in my next post!

- Sam

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